The asset allocation that is appropriate for you depends on your financial goals, time horizon, and willingness and capacity to take risk. You can assign your portfolio a target asset allocation by completing the Investor Profile Questionnaire or by using the Investor Profile Table.
Just answer these seven simple questions about your life stage, attitude toward risk,
and other factors, then we'll show you a target investment plan based on your profile:
1. I plan to start withdrawing money from my investments for major needs in:
2. When I begin withdrawing money, I plan to spend it in:
3. My knowledge of investments is:
4. What amount of financial risk are you willing to take when you invest?
5. Select the investments you currently own or have owned in the past
6. Imagine that the stock market has dropped by 25% in value over the past three months. A stock that you own
has also dropped by 25% in value. What would you do with your shares?
7. Review the chart below. We've outlined the most likely best-case and worst-case annual returns
of five hypothetical investment plans. Which range of possible outcomes is most acceptable to you?
The figures are hypothetical and do not represent the performance of any particular investment.
One Year Return